Sunday, December 7, 2008


Tis the season...for family pictures! We've had a blast meeting new people and capturing families in a laid back, no stress atmosphere. It's pretty much awesome! =) So are these guys. They aren't 'new' and we didn't just 'meet' them... but we like them a whole bunch anyway! And aren't they great in front of the camera?

This is one of my favorites. I love how you can tell they're goofing off, giving each other a hard time and just having fun.

So to get to these cool locations, Dac and I rode in the back of the truck. Dac only flew out once... so I thought that was pretty good. =) Kidding.

I thought this "matriarchical" photo was kinda fun.

Abbey, Aaron and Aaron's wife Amy


Another one of my favorites of the whole group. Lookin' good!

Now Abbey. I've known Abbey since at least first grade? We were even roommates at OSU our freshman year. She cracks me up.

We had such a great time with these guys! Check back for some more fun sessions to be posted soon. Oh, and if you're real lucky... you might get a glance at "My Favorite Things: Peety the pug style" =)

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