Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

Hey friends! I'm going to take after one of my fav photo-bloggers and post about a few of my favorite things. This is much like Oprah's favorite things show... only my things aren't super expensive OR brand new. =) I guess this really isn't anything like Oprah's show. Oh well, here goes!

1) Burt's Bees Chapstick: I LOVE this stuff and I, alone, could probably see to it that Burt never goes hungry. I go through several of these a year...probably because I put it on every 2.5 minutes. I like it because it's not greasy, it stays put for a while, it's got that tingly peppermint feeling and it's all natural. Ok, I just realized I downloaded the wrong picture. I use the chapstick...not the balm. YES, there is a difference.

2) Bath and Body Works' Country Apple Body Spray: Told you most of my items aren't new. This scent has been around since the beginning of Bath and Body Works and it's just me. Even with all the new fun 'flavors' out... I can't seem to part with it. I'm currently out... I should do something about that. Anyway, I like it because it's me, it's fruity, doesn't give me a migraine and it's subtle.

3) Nike Reax: I currently have this style/color and I live in them...except when I'm at work...and sometimes even then. I had last year's model too and loved them also. They are so comfy and are made for fat Flintstone feets like mine. They're also not too expensive and they're kidna cute too.

4) Old Navy Fleece Scarf (and matching gloves): I just got these in the mail. I got them for a little photo project we'll be doing soon (stay tuned for that) but I've been wearing them anyway. They're great because it's cold here and they keep me toasty, they're SOFT (this is a BIG deal) and I look like a candy cane when I wear them. Oh, and they were only $5 a piece.

5) Old Navy Flannel PJ Pants: I'm addicted. Addicted to comfy. These pants and all the other Old Navy PJ's are super-comfy and super-soft. The pair I have on right now, I've had since before our wedding over 2 years ago. So yeah, durable too. =)

6) Franklin Covey Original Planner Pages (in my planner): I'm a busy girl and I'm lost without this. Yes, I realize paper planning is 'out' and iphones and other fancy gadgets are 'in'. BUT, I'm just not ready to convert yet. Franklin Covey has a lot of really cool page designs but I prefer the classic one... I'm cool like that.

7) Bare Minerals Mineral Makeup: I have sensitive skin. Pale, freckly skin that burns and gets irritated easily. So then, for the most part products that touch my skin must be dye and fragrance free and, if it's going on my face, it better contain sunscreen. Too much info, I know. BUT I'm excited to tell you this makeup meets both tests! It doesn't make my face all red and itchy and it looks good too. A+.

8) Eskimo Joes Hoodie: I have this in orange and it's great. Lately, I've kind of been living in it. Again, so soft, so comfy... and it's from the best little juke joint in Stillwater - where I graduated from OSU... GO POKES!

9) Chi Hair Straightener: This one's easy. It gets hot fast, works fast and makes my hair look normal. The End. Side note: I got this as a wedding gift from some of my best friends from college. Such a great idea. Hi girls!

10) Gold Canyon Cinnamon Vanilla Candle: YUM! This candle smells so good and it's not all overpowering and yucky. Perfect scent for the holidays.

11) Canon PowerShot SD750: Again, I know this isn't new, in fact, it's kinda old. I had a PowerShot before this (just the older model) and it was great too. It lasted a VERY long time and I used it ALL the time (of course). This one's no different and I imagine pretty much all of them are fabulous.

12) Pampered Chef Classic Batter Bowl: I've had this for quite a while too and I use it all the time. I love to cook and bake (especially bake) and this is the perfect baking sidekick. I use it for mixing up a quick batch of muffins, cake frosting, storing sugar cookie dough, making scrambled eggs, etc... etc... etc...

Ok, so that's it. This is in no way ALL of my favorite things... I limited it to 12. =) Don't worry - I'll be back to posting cool photos soon.


terese said...

That gives me great Christmas ideas!!

Katie said...

I love the favs post! I'm seeing some of my favorites up there as well...we have great taste!

Journey's Mommy said...

Where's the donuts?

Alisha said...

haha kayla! =) Why do you have to know me so well?