Sunday, November 9, 2008

"I'm missing the KU game for this?

So, about that super-cool family I was telling you about? Well, here they are!

I met Joan (the mom/wife of the group) a couple years ago through Big Brothers/Big Sisters. She is the epitome of fun and upbeat. We had no doubt her family would be the same way and that the session would be a blast. We expected right.

Here's the kiddos:

Too cute right? No doubt she's a total daddy's girl. You might remember Dad (Mike) from his statuesque-biker photo a while back.

Again with the cuteness...

With mom. I love how he looked at me throughout the session like "I'm missing the KU game for this?" =) Like, "What's the big deal about pictures?!"

One of my favorite things to do during the family session is get Mom and Dad by themselves for a bit. They're always like "wait...we have a life without kids?" YES, yes you do! =)


Love this one. There was no posing with this group. They just get on the ground and hung out together. Perfect!

T Family, we had a great, great time with you! Hope you guys had fun too and that you like the pictures.

Brace yourself friends, this is one heck of a busy photo week. Lotsa posts coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alisha, these were really really good photos i especially loved the background of the "playing" one, very nice!
amanda c.