Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Big T-W-O

So a couple of weeks ago we had a crazy-busy weekend filled with like a zillion sessions (ok, maybe it was just 3, but it seemed like a lot!) and this cute little guy was one of them! You may remember him from a session we did a few months ago. He just recently celebrated his 2nd birthday! Hard to believe.

Anyway, he was a little shy and sleepy at first but by the end of the session he was hammin' it up with the best of them!

Sooo cute.

Right about now he started with the 'model' look.

Oh so stylish!

And...we're having fun!

Rock-n-roll biker dude!!

Me and his momma used to roller skate (not blade) down this very same driveway (grandma's) for HOURS wearing awesome early 90's outfits complete with two pairs (count them...2 pairs) of neon socks, a side ponytail and the bottom of our shirts pulled through the ever-so-popular plastic heart! =) We were so cool. Afterwards we'd down our little bottles of IBC rootbeer and continue to crack ourselves up! Ah... that was the life!

We tried all day to get him to 'tell' us how old he is but he either wouldn't do it or he'd surprise us with it and we'd miss it. This is about the best we got... him looking like lil' gangsta man!

This was so much fun... thanks for having us! =)

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