Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yes, it's true. We're alive and here's a post to prove it. I could give excuse after excuse for why we haven't been blogging but they'd be just that...excuses. However, I will say that we have some super-exciting things just around the corner and we've been taking a lot of time preparing for that. The big thing is that very soon, we'll be premiering our brand new Web site, blog and online-ordering system! It's been a long-time coming and we're pumped for the change. We've been busy with that and with shooting several family sessions the past few weeks, but we're waiting to post those to the new hang in there more pictures are a'comin'. ALSO - we'll start our wedding season in a couple weeks so you'll have to be sure and check out our new site to see all that.

We've also been busy out of Denver visiting some of our best friends...Matt and Kelly. Matt and Dac have been friends since like elementary school. In fact, they're both part of this group of guys that have been friends forever and are still besties. (such a manly term, I know, but Dac's not writing this, so too bad!) Anyway, they're all crazy and super different from each other and much the same. It's really kind of a wierd phenomenon to see them together. What's even cooler is that all of us girls (the wives club) get along super well too! I feel so lucky to get along with them all so well. It sure makes camping trips with 'the guys' a lot more fun! =) You with me?

So back to the trip... we headed out there and from the second we drove into town until we headed out, it rained and/or snowed and/or "snailed" (snow/hail mix...for all you who don't automatically speak my language) practically non-stop. There was all sorts of plans made and most of them were cancelled at some point during the weekend. We mostly stayed in, played games, watched tv, and ate...and ate and ate and ate...and ate. =) It was great to hang out with them and we had an awesome time, crappy weather and all.

Kelly is a fab stage actress so while we were there we snapped a few head shots for her. These were SUPPOSED to be taken outside somewhere but, again, thanks to the weather, we improvised. Thankfully we had a photogenic model and some great natural light to work with. Here's a few of our favorites:

Here's Matt and Kelly...and their fuzzy buddies.

When the weather cleared up a little we were able to head downtown to eat and check out the art museum. The modern art section was pretty cool. Personally, I liked the large broom and dust pan outside. Thanks Matt for grabbing this picture of us.

Thanks so much for having us out!! Can't wait for next time. As for everyone else, we'll be announcing our new site check back!


matts mom said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!! I remember the days when the guys were young. Tear time to remember back when! I want order some prints.....

matts mom

Ryan said...

A little jealous you got to see the Libeskind Museum.